Aanjaneya Kumar
Post Doctoral Fellow at Santa Fe Institute and Princeton University, USA.
Aanjaneya is interested in the study of stochastic models of complex systems. Over the last few years, his primary aim has been to obtain insight into practically relevant problems by first formulating suitable mathematical models and then analyzing them using tools from statistical physics, network science, and evolutionary game theory. His research projects thus far can be broadly classified into the following themes - (i) extremal statistics and rare events, (ii) social dynamics and cultural evolution, and lastly, (iii) partially observed stochastic processes, which was also the theme of his PhD research at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, India. Going forward, apart from the aforementioned research directions, he is excited by the prospect of exploring the theme of Designing Resilient Institutions.

Ritam Pal
PhD student at IISER Pune, India.
Ritam is interested in studying complex systems which are at the intersection of Physics and Social Sciences using insights for Statistical Physics and Graph theory. In particular, his primary focus during the last few years has been to understand the dynamics of public opinions, which can be leveraged to design intervention to reduce extreme opinion polarization. He is also interested in studying elections through physics and statistical modeling.

M. S. Santhanam
Professor at IISER Pune, India.
Santhanam is a faculty of physics at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, India. His research interests broadly cover the areas of chaos and quantum chaos, quantum computation, statistical physics (complex networks, extreme events) and complex systems (such as elections). Specifically, the problems range from driven quantum systems and random matrix theory to random walks and extreme events on networks and data science. Elections are one of his enduring interests.